T.L grew up in North Dakota, where the prairies were wide and the stars were close. As a child, she wrote short stories. As a young adult, she studied physiology and memorized micronutrients—and then wrote poetry.

She believes in being as many things as you want to be—no matter how contrary. Give her evidenced-based proof and then give her magic. By day, she is a licensed and registered clinician. She does calculations, diagnoses malnutrition, and places feeding tubes in an ICU. She loves nutrition, medicine, cooking, yoga, snowboarding, books, music, scientific journals, Irish pubs, and above all, the magic that is storytelling. She’s drawn to the adventure and discovery of travel, and dreams of seeing every possible corner of the world. In fact, it was in one particular corner of Scotland where the vision for her YA novel, The Long Way Out, came to life.

When T.L. isn’t working or writing, she’s pursuing her many passions. She has a Bachelor’s of Science from the University of Minnesota and works at the University of Minnesota Medical Center. She is member of the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators (SCBWI) and the Loft Literary Center. Feel free to contact her regarding freelance work.